Describe the projected climate-driven changes that are relevant to Portuguese marine key fisheries/species: Using outputs from existing global climate model ensembles and oceanographic models (IPCC) the key environmental variables predicted to change Portugal due to climate change will be determined together with the nature and extent of these changes.
Assess the potential impacts of climate change on key fisheries and
species in Portuguese coast:
This involves meetings with project members, including fisheries managers, industry representatives and Nacional Fisheries Centre science representatives, consultants. Literature review of species sensitivity and adaptive capacity to environmental change to assess the sensitivity and capacity for key species to adapt to potential climate change impacts. Examination of environmental data sets to provide an understanding of historical climate variability and the key environmental trends; Identify potentialimpacts on fisheries based on climate and oceanographic model projections and the sensitivity of key species to changes in environmental variables.
This is pioneer and “Pilot Study” project along Portuguese coast. A major outcome from this workshop will be the identification of pragmatic and realistic policy adaptation options and opportunities for managers and the respective fishery sectors for fisheries in Portugal under climate change scenarios. We will try develop guidance for improving fisheries management and socio-economic impacts through tailored application of a climate-smart approach.